For same day deliveries, please message us on viber:+639173278136 or at @sarahsbakehouse on Instagram or on our Facebook page to inquire.

For same day deliveries, please message us on viber:+639173278136

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Chocolate Chip Cookies
Blueberry Cheesecake
Chocolate Love Story
Burnt Cheesecake
Special Eggpie
Cake Alexandria Burnt Cheesecake
Strawberry Burnt Cheesecake
Almond Berries Tres Leches
Cheese Rolls

Where it All Started

Sarah’s Bakehouse is a homegrown Filipino bakery with a heart of gold, and it’s here to make you feel like family. From its humble beginnings in founder Josh Gaor’s little home kitchen to its expansion into a commissary, and now with new stores, this little bakery has only one goal: to make you feel like you’re home.

At the start of the pandemic, Josh started making cakes for his friends. They loved them so much that they told their friends—who told their friends. Soon enough, he was baking for people all over town and had to expand his business. Now he has a team of talented bakers who help prepare each order fresh daily in a commissary outside of town. When he’s not helping out in the commissary, he focuses on product research and development.

Loved by Celebrities & Patrons

FUN FACT: Ms. Alex Gonzaga ordered a Burnt Cheesecake from us
and posted “OA sa sarap!” AND BOOM…that’s where we got recognized by more patrons and celebrities.

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